Wooden box for molds and auxiliary equipments packing. Water-proof film for machine packing Tonva is one of the largest manufactures of Extrusion Blow Molding Machine and Molds in China since 1993, with a team of experts who focus on plastic blowing machine for more than 28 years. Our clients in a wide range of plastic industry sectors, such as: daily using, toy, chemical container, agrochemical, pharmaceuticals, automobile, food, traffic using etc., volume range from 3ml to 5000L, single layer to 6layers, single color to three colors, which are all available on TONVA machine production, clients from more than100 countries, have to come rely on TONVA technologies and service with machine good quality and reliability Wehavegot thecertificateofGB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015InternationalQualityControlSystemandtheCEEN60204-1:2018;ENISO12100:2010&SGSsystem.Withfabulousreputationandfavorableservice,ourproductsreachgreatsalesbothindomesticmarketandmorethan100countries. WhatWeDo Weoffertechnicaladviceonmachineryandtheirproductstodevelopstrategiesandinsightsonproductsuitabilityand projectprofitability. Constantback-upsupportisourbestservicetooltohelpourcustomerstoachievetheirgoals,that is, tohelpthemmaximize their revenue growthand productioncapability whileminimizingtheir costs,labor, and time.